Opioid Task Force Chairs and Kinney Drugs Talk about "Removing the Risk" on the Bill Keeler Show on the Road at Marlogg’s

March 17, 2023

On March 10th, County Executive Picente, Sheriff Maciol, and DA McNamara were joined by Kinney Drugs President John Marraffa to discuss the opioid crisis on a special broadcast of WIBX’s First News with Keeler in the Morning live at the Marr-Logg House Restaurant in Utica.


You can get free Deterra medication deactivation bags from the Oneida County Opioid Task Force or at any Kinney Drugs location in the county.

You can also get free Narcan and fentanyl test strips from Oneida County by visiting opioidtaskforce.oneidacountyny.gov or oneidacountyny.gov.